Tuesday 12 June 2018

Law Of The Land: Humkum Nikah Di Thai- Marriage Laws

There is a complete service regarding the Muslim marriages in Thailand, certain laws are followed in accordance with the Muslim beliefs which are known as 'Hukum Nikah Di Thai' meaning 'laws of marriage in Thailand'. These laws are quite strict which is why these services exist to make it easy for the spouses to be registered as 'married in Thailand'. 

What are the Laws About?

These laws are completely in relation to the validity of the marriage in Thailand. There is a strict rule to be followed by the spouses to go and perform the marriage by an authorized person from any Islamic religious council in Thailand. These 'Hukum Nikah Di Thai' are done through a 'Panduan Nikah di Thai' which is the Marriage Document Guide in Thailand.

Important Documents

There is a whole set of documents required which are listed in the 'Panduan Nikah di Thai' these documents include, Passport along with a Border Pass. If the border pass is there then, a passport is not required. Jurunikah and Malaysian will also require identification cards.  Along with that is required a Divorce letter is it is applicable in the said case. Guardian Certificate and Death Certificate of the previous spouses are also required in some of the cases.

Our basic work is to facilitate the married couple into the Thai Islamic religious council and complete the whole process of documentation which also includes a confirmation letter from the Malaysian Consulate in Songkhla in order to facilitate the registration process of the marriage in Thailand. We work towards making the process smooth and hassle-free.

Nikah Di Thailand Call US : Tel:+ 60193768436 © 2008.